Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I Have To Put My Happiness First

I'm starting to realize that in order for me to be COMPLETELY happy I have to do what makes ME happy...not what makes OTHERS happy. I'm at the point in my life that I cannot tolerate stress. If I stress about everything I am going through then a hospital stay may be in my near future. 

My son is my top priority and nothing will change that. I would never put my son in a situation that is harmful to him. When I make a decision that means that I have thought it through. At that point all I need is support...NOT criticism. No one knows what is best for me and my son BUT me and the good Lord above. There is a reason for my madness.

When it comes to my career, I will advance at my own pace. I'm never content with standing still. When it comes to my health, I don't have a choice but to keep fighting because of my prince. When it comes to my personal life, I will run it the way I choose as long as I'm happy. God has blessed me in so many ways and there is not enough time on Earth to show him my appreciation.

The beast is showing its ugly face again. I'm gearing up for battle once again and I have a feeling that this time it is going to be a completely different beast. I know already that I have some decisions to make with my health and future. In the meantime, I have to focus on my happiness and building my support system. Life is beyond stressful in every sector. I need a break and I need all sectors of my life to join together and support me. That's what I need. I need everyone to put their wants, needs, selfishness, and pettiness aside and for me to be the priority.

#Support #Family #TheBeastIsBack #Winning #NoChoice