As I mentioned before, in my previous post, there are many things that people with chronic illnesses are told that they cannot do. Having a child is one of those things that they usually have on their list that is given to them by their doctors. I am all about living my life the way that my life should be lived. The only person that knows how my life should be lived other than me is God above. With that said...I have my miracle!
March 12th, 2015 was the day that my whole life changed. That was the day that my pregnancy ended and my new life began. I worked extremely hard for the last 9 months to secure the best support system possible. I knew that pregnancy would be hard on my body, I knew there would be bumps in the road, I knew there could be complications and other issues BUT I also knew that IMPOSSIBLE was not in my vocabulary.
The day I found out that I was pregnant, I was mentally prepared for many appointments, close monitoring, high risk status, and the possibility of short term or long term bed rest. I didn't let any of the potential negatives take away my joy.
July 18, 2014 - I found out I was pregnant. I was ecstatic. God had just answered my prayers. This was proof that He may not do things when you want Him to BUT He is never late
August 13, 2014 - I went for my confirmation ultrasound and office visit. I also confirmed my high risk status...(Thank you MCTD). I got to see my baby for the first time. Nothing else mattered.
October 14, 2014 - On this day I found out I was having a bouncing baby boy! 4 days before my father's birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy!
By the end of the year MCTD decided to show her face. Lupus was active, platelets were falling, joint pains and body aches all over. Still...I was not discouraged. All that meant was that my team needed to be solidified and a plan of action needed to be put in place. At this point, I was in control of my pregnancy. After my first pregnancy hospital stay...I switched obstetricians to one that was more familiar with high risk cases (it is never too late to switch). Together, we came up with a game plan so we were on the same page.
Advice: Be hands on and involved in your care EVERY step of the way!
February 7, 2015 - Baby Shower Day! The overwhelming amount of love and support showered upon me from my friends and family was amazing!
March 12, 2015 - Baby J was born! He was healthy and strong! 11:42 am; 5 lbs 8 oz; 18.5 inches. The birth didn't go exactly as planned but the fact that I made it that far was more than enough for me. All that mattered was that my prince...the love of my heart outside my chest...arrived safely. And he did! With a full head of hair!
I did it! I did it! I did it!
You can do it too! Nothing is impossible with God!